
around 1,770,000

GDP per capita
$ 5 270

Main industries
agriculture, metals, and mining

Interesting & distinctive information in the IP regulations

*Kosovo is a partially recognized state in the southern Balkans. Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008. Ever since, Kosovo has been trying to obtain diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state, however, international governments are divided on this issue. Kosovo is still not a U.N. member state and nor a party to any Intellectual Property Conventions.

Starting from November 19, 2007, it has been possible to file new applications directly to IP Office in Kosovo. On December 27, 2017, the Kosovo IP Office published its online trade mark and patent database, allowing users to browse through applications and registrations.

Graphical representation of trade mark is no longer required when filing an application.

When filing a trade mark application, it is mandatory to precisely define the list of goods and services for which protection is sought. It is not admissible anymore to apply only for class headings of the list of goods and services.

Trade marks can be renewed 6 months prior to the renewal deadline at the earliest, and the grace period is 6 months long (the official fee is 100% increased).
In Kosovo, it is not possible to outright file a request to protect a short term patent.

However, all patents that have not presented evidence of substantive examination from another, large and reputable IPO before the end of the 9th year will last for 10 years only, effectively making them a petty/short-term patent.

An important change brought by the new Law on Patents entered into force on January 17, 2022, relates to SPC protection – the SPC protection is no longer delayed until Kosovo’s EU membership. The SPC clauses (especially Article 93) now include details regarding the SPC subject matter and the effect of protection.

Patent annuities can be paid 6 months prior to the deadline and the grace period is the usual 6 months (the official fee is 100% increased).

Renewal of designs falls every 5 years, for a total of 25 years.

Designs can be renewed 6 months prior to the renewal deadline at the earliest, and the grace period is the same as for trade marks and patents.

Electronic filing is not available yet.

POAs in all IP matters, need to be signed with the full name, date, and place of signing, notarization/legalization is not required. The IPO goes back and forth on weather a company seal is necessary – at the time of writing, it is not, but we advise the firms that have the company seal/stamp to use it.

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